Little Musketeers Club. Growing and learning together

The Little Musketeers Club is a joyfull, safe space for kids, where they learn, play and interact before or after their school hours. With daily trips to fun places, outdoor playground and indoor activties, the little Musketeers will have colorful days filled with fun.

Our opening hours are 7.30am to 18.00 in the evening. Providing a full day of learning activities, also playing outdoors, on the swings, slides and on the green area. We have created a space for a healthy and harmonious developement, to help kids feel happy and safe.

Having our two Musketeers-on-the wheels in our driveway makes every day an adventure. We often go out on short trips, to explore the world around us. Either in hikes or picnics, or we join indoor events suitable for kids' age group.